Pittsburgh Budget: Delivering on Priorities

See how the city uses taxes through the budget to meet resident priorities. Explore budget spending data and join the conversation!


Pittsburgh has a budgeting process that prioritizes programs and services that provide the most benefit for our community

We are creating a shared language with residents to better understand how the city’s budget is developed, prioritized, and ultimately aligned to community priorities. This budgeting approach provides clarity and an open space for the community to join the budgeting conversation.

Explore the 2022 operating budget from the previous administration. Future budgets from Ed Gainey’s administration will be made available when they are released.

Budget spend by community priorities

Click on a bar from the chart to see the programs that align with that priority.

Spending totals represent all programs that strongly support each priority. Individual programs can support more than one priority, so the sum of spending across all priorities may be different from the total operating budget number

See Definitions
“The city of Pittsburgh budget is a reflection of our city’s priorities”